Dr. Hitoshi Iyatomi, Ph.D in Engineering, Ph.D in Medical Science.
Professor, Dept. Applied Informatics,
Hosei University Faculty of Science and Engineering.
3-7-2 Kajino-cho Koganei Tokyo 184-8584 Japan
E-mail: iyatomi [AT] hosei.ac.jp
Webpage: http://iyatomi-lab/front-e.html
2004 - present Hosei University
2018/4- Professor,
Department of Applied Informatics Faculty of Science and Engineering.
2014/4-2016/3 Head of Student Affairs Office at Koganei Campus
2012/4-2014/3 Vice chief of Faculty council, Faculty of Science and Engineering.
2011/4-2018/3 Associate Professor,
Department of Applied Informatics Faculty of Science and Engineering.
2008/4-2011/3 Lecturer,
Department of Applied Informatics Faculty of Science and Engineering.
2004/4-2008/3 Research Associate (Assistant Professor),
Department of Electrical Informatics, Faculty of Engineering.
2016/4-2017/3 Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University
2007/4- present Visiting Lecturer, Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University.
2004 -2017/3 Visiting Researcher, Department of Dermatology, Keio University School of Medicine
2003/4 – 2003/9 Visiting Lecturer, Tokyo University of Technology
2000/4-2004/3 Technical Consultant of Hewlett-Packard Japan Co. Ltd.
2011/12 Ph.D in Medical Science,
Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University.
2004/3 Ph.D in Engineering (Open and Environmental Systems),
Graduate School of Keio University School of Science and Technology.
2000/3 M.E. in Electrical Engineering,
Graduate School of Keio University School of Science and Technology.
1998/3 B.E in Department of Electronics,
Keio University Department of Science and Technology.
・Journal papers (selected from 50+)
Shunsuke Kitada and Hitoshi Iyatomi, "Attention Meets Perturbations: Robust and Interpretable Attention with Adversarial Training," IEEE Access, 2021.
Quan Huu Cap, Hiroki Tani, Satoshi Kagiwada, Hiroyuki Uga and Hitoshi Iyatomi, "LASSR: Effective Super-Resolution Method for Plant Disease Diagnosis," Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 187, 106271,2021.
Quan Huu Cap, Hiroyuki Uga, Satoshi Kagiwada and Hitoshi Iyatomi, "LeafGAN: An Effective Data Augmentation Method for Practical Plant Disease Diagnosis", IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering, Dec. 2020
Kouhei Shimizu, Hitoshi Iyatomi, M. Emre Celebi, Kerri-Ann Norton, and Masaru Tanaka, “Four-class classification of skin lesions with task decomposition strategy," IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.62, No.1, pp.274-283, Jan. 2015.
Gerald Schaefer, Bartosz Krawczyk, M. Emre Celebi and Hitoshi Iyatomi, “An ensemble classification approach for melanoma diagnosis," Memetic computing journal, Vol.6, pp.223-240, 2014.
Kerri-Ann Norton, Sameera Namazi, Nicola Barnard, Mariko Fujibayashi, Gyan Bhanot, Shridar Ganesan, Hitoshi Iyatomi, Koichi Ogawa, and Troy Shinbrot, "An Automated Reconstruction Algorithm for Identification of 3D Architectures of Cribriform Ductal Carcinoma in Situ," PLoS ONE, Vol.7, No.9, e44011, Sep. 2012.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, M.Emre Celebi, Gerald Schaefer, Masaru Tanaka, “Automated color calibration method for dermoscopy Images,” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol.35, 2, pp.89-98, 2011.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Hiroshi Oka, M Emre Celebi, Koichi Ogawa, Giuseppe Argenziano, H Peter Soyer, Hiroshi Koga, Toshiaki Saida, Kuniaki Ohara, and Masaru Tanaka, “Computer-based classification of dermoscopy images of melanocytic lesions on acral volar skin,” Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Vol.128, pp.2049-2054, 2008.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Hiroshi Oka, M.Emre Celebi, Masahiro Hashimoto, Masafumi Hagiwara, Masaru Tanaka, Koichi Ogawa, “An Improved Internet-based Melanoma Screening System with Dermatologist-like Tumor Area Extraction Algorithm,” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol.32, No.7, pp.566-579, 2008.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Hiroshi Oka, Masataka Saito, Ayako Miyake, Masayuki Kimoto et al. “Quantitative assessment of tumor extraction from dermoscopy images and evaluation of computer-based extraction methods for automatic melanoma diagnostic system,” Melanoma Research, Vol.16, No.2, pp.183-190, 2006
Hitoshi Iyatomi and Masafumi Hagiwara “Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural Network,” Pattern Recognition, Vol 37, issue 10, pp.2049-2057, 2004.
Hitoshi Iyatomi and Masafumi Hagiwara, “Scenery Image Recognition and Interpretation using Fuzzy Inference Neural Networks,” Pattern Recognition Vol.35, issue 8, pp.1793-1806, 2002.
・Conference proceedings (peer reviewed) (selected from 80+)
Kasumi Obi, Quan Huu Cap, Noriko Umegaki-Arao, Masaru Tanaka, and Hitoshi Iyatomi, "Bulk Production Augmentation Towards Explainable Melanoma Diagnosis, " IEEE IECBSE2020, Mar. 2021 (Best Paper Award)
Takumi Aoki, Shunsuke Kitada, and Hitoshi Iyatomi, "Text Classification through Glyph-aware Disentangled Character Embedding and Semantic Sub-character Augmentation," AACLW2020, Dec. 2020
Mahmoud Daif, Shunsuke Kitada, and Hitoshi Iyatomi, "AraDIC: Arabic Document Classification Using Image-Based Character Embeddings and Class-Balanced Loss, ACLW2020, Jul. 2020.
Yuto Onga, Shingo Fujiyama, Hayato Arai, Yusuke Chayama, Hitoshi Iyatomi, and Kenichi Oishi, "Efficient feature embedding of 3D brain MRI images for content-based image retrieval with deep metric learning, " IEEE BigData Dec. 2019.
Shunsuke Kitada, Hitoshi Iyatomi, and Yoshifumi Seki, "Conversion Prediction using Multi-task Conditional Attention Networks to Support the Creation of Effective Ad Creatives, " KDD2019, Aug. 2019.
Michiaki Ito and Hitoshi Iyatomi,“Web Application Firewall using Character-level Convolutional Neural Network,” IEEE CSPA 2018, Mar. 2018. (IEEE Best Paper Award)
Erika Fujita, Yusuke Kawasaki, Hiroyuki Uga, Satoshi Kagiwada and Hitoshi Iyatomi, “Basic Investigation on a Robust and Practical Plant Diagnostic System, IEEE ICMLA2016, Dec. 2016.
Daiki Shimada, Ryunosuke Kotani and Hitoshi Iyatomi, “Document Classification through Image-Based Character Embedding and Wildcard Training,” IEEE Big Data 2016, Dec. 2016.
Ryosuke Yoshihashi, Daiki Shimada, Hitoshi Iyatomi, “Feasibility study on evaluation of audience’s concentration in the classroom with deep convolutional neural networks,” Proc. IEEE TALE 2014, Dec. 2014.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Jun Hashimoto, Fumihito Yoshii, Toshiki Kazama, Shuichi Kawada and Yutaka Imai, “Accurate discrimination of Alzheimer's disease from other dementia and/or normal subjects using SPECT specific volume analysis,” SPIE Medical Imaging Conference 2014, Feb. 2014.
Yuji Ikuma and Hitoshi Iyatomi, “Production of the grounds for melanoma classification using adaptive fuzzy inference neural network,” IEEE SMC2013, Oct. 2013.
Masaru Kiyama, Hitoshi Iyatomi, Koichi Ogawa, “Robust Video-oculography for Non-invasive Autonomic Nerve Quantification” Proc. IEEE EMBC 2011, 2011.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Tomotaka Kasamatsu, Jun Hashimoto, M.Emre Celebi, Gerald Schaefer and Koichi Ogawa, " Perioperative cardiac risk prediction," IEEE ITAB, Nov. 2009.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, M.Emre Celebi, Hiroshi Oka, Masaru Tanaka, ”An Internet-based Melanoma Screening System - Supported Acral Volar Lesions,” IEEE EMBC 2008, Aug.2008.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Hiroshi Oka, Masaru Tanaka and Koichi Ogawa, “Parametric Analysis of Acral Lesions on Dermoscopy,” IEEE CME 2007, May.2007.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Hiroshi Oka, M.Emre Celebi, Masaru Tanaka and Koichi Ogawa, “Parameterization of Dermoscopic Findings for the Internet-based Melanoma Diagnostic System,” IEEE CIISP 2007, Apr.2007.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Masahiro Hashimoto, Hiroshi Oka, Masaru Tanaka and Koichi Ogawa, ”Automatic Identification of Shot Body Region from Clinical Photographies, IEEE AIPR 2006, Oct. 2006.
Hitoshi Iyatomi, Hiroshi Oka, Ayako Miyake, Masayuki Kimoto Masaru Tanaka and Koichi Ogawa, “An Practical Internet-based Melanoma Diagnostic System,” IEEE CIBCB 2005, Nov.2005.
BOOKS: (selected from 6)
Dermoscopy Image Analysis, CRC Press, New York, 441pages (Chapter 4: pp.97-130), ISBN 9781138892873 - CAT# K32811, 2015.
New Developments in Biomedical Engineering, In-tech, 2010 (ISBN: 978-953-7619-57-2, Editor: Domenico Campolo) pp.183-pp.200 (book chapter)
HONORS (selected):
2021/3 IEEE IECBES2020 Best Paper Award (student category - as a supervisor)
2018/7 International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Application (ISCIA2018) Best Paper Award
2018/3 IEEE CSPA2018 Best Paper Award
2011/3 Butterfield Award from Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
2007/3 The Certificate for Distinguished Activity for Research Assistant at Keio Information, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Field COE (center of excellence).
2005/7 Encouraging Award from Japan Society of Medical Imaging Technology.
2004/9 Recognition Award from International Conference on SCIS/ISIS 2004.
2002/4 Star Award from Hewlett-Packard Company.
- Fifteen governmental research grants and eight company (private) funds since 2004.
- Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction of Biomedical Engineering (BME) from Jun 2011.
- Executive Committee Member – Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics
- Chief of Executive Committee - 103th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Medical Physics
- 5 patents, 140+ domestic conference papers.
Dr. Iyatomi is a member of IEEE, IEICE(The institute of electronics, information and communication engineers), JAMIT(Japan society of medical imaging technology) and JSMP (Japan society of medical physics).